Adult Ministries
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“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.” – John Stott
Our Mission Team’s goal is to be wise stewards of God’s resources using them to leverage our influence
to reach the world for Christ. Our policy is grounded Scripturally and supports PGCC’s ministry model:
Love God, Love Others and Serve Others.
Below see the list of ministries and individuals that we have gladly supported at a variety of levels. Each
of these ministries are our partners in fulfilling Jesus’ command to make disciples of “all nations.”
(Matthew 28:18-20).
Missions Policy
Achieve a clear sense of direction and be good stewards of our missions dollars.
We define missions as any endeavor outside our local congregation to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by proclaiming the gospel of Christ, making disciples and relating to the whole need of mankind – spiritual and physical.
Our policy is grounded scripturally and supports our church’s ministry model: Love God, Love Others and Serve Others. We hope to build devoted followers of Jesus who love God passionately, are learning to love others unselfishly, and are discovering their place of service in the Kingdom of God. We hope that our members will want to be a part of building the Kingdom of God by helping fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus.
Monthly Support Given

Papua New Guinea
Jim & Joni Bliffen
Jim serves in the area of Scriptural Impact and Joni as a Financial Bookkeeper with Pioneer Bible Translators.

Windward Islands School of Evangelism
W.I.S.E. evangelizes Caribbean societies and brings them to Christian maturity through the development of leaders for the church.

Jared serves as the Worship and Associate Minister with Mustard Seed Christian Church in Kyoto supporting a church plant.

Ray teaches in Bible colleges in Odessa training national leaders for ministries.

Nick & Jes Tuttle
The Tuttles serve by planting churches in Ireland as part of Kontaktmission, a European based missions organization.
Rapha International
Rapha International exists to love, rescue, and heal children who have been rescued from trafficking and sexual exploitation in Southeast Asia and Haiti.
Saving Grace
Saving Grace is a Christ-centered safe harbor offering acceptance, restoration, and hope for young women in NWA, preparing them for independent living.
Life Ministries
Life Ministries is a re-sale store and food pantry located in Prairie Grove.
Cookson Hills Christian Ministries
Cookson Hills provides residential services to at-risk children and their families.
Christ on Campus
Christ on Campus reaches the University of Arkansas community with the message of Jesus Christ, equips college students to live for Christ and sends them out into the world to make disciples.
Ozark Christian College
Ozark Christian College trains men and women for Christian service through an undergraduate Bible College education.
Arkansas Church Planting Network
ACPN forms partnerships to plant new churches in our region.
House of Hope (Haiti)
House of Hope provides food, shelter, clothing & education to abandoned children.
BlackBox international
Blackbox International provides the critical aftercare component for boys age 16 and under who have been rescued from sex trafficking in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Loving Choices
Loving Choices provides services to help with pregnancy and other reproductive health issues in NWA.
LIfewise academy - Prairie grove
LifeWise Academy in Prairie Grove provides Bible Education for public school children during the school day.
Special Mission Support Given
Global Christian Relief
Global Christian Relief serves persecuted Christians worldwide.
Spring Break Mission Trips
International Mission Trips
Compassion House
Compassion House helps change and provide directions to the lives of pregnant teens who are challenged with an unexpected pregnancy.
IDES provides emergency services world-wide; disaster, medical, and hunger relief.
Pastors beyond
Grace on the Go, Dave and Velma Armstrong pastor missionaries on their home turf.
Pioneer Bible Translators
Pioneer Bible Translators disciples the Bibleless and mobilizes God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s word.
Good News Production International
GNPI provides culturally relevant, Biblically-based material to accelerate global evangelism.
Odessa Missions
Odessa trains Ukrainian missionaries.
Angel Tree
Angel tree participates with Prison Fellowship by ministering to children whose father or mother is in prison.
international Conference on missions (ICOM)
ICOM serves as a connection point for global missions to encourage, equip, and enlist workers for the harvest.
Christmas for seniors
Christmas for seniors works with Prairie Grove Health & Rehab to provide Christmas gifts to residents.
The call of nwa
The Call mobilizes Christian families to foster or adopt children from Arkansas foster care.
hands of hope international
Hands of Hope works in Guatemala meeting basic human needs, allowing them to build relationships and share the gospel in real tangible ways leading to generational life change.
Lorene Jones Memorial Scholarship Program
To be financially supportive of students actively involved in the ministry of Prairie Grove Christian Church who desire to attend Bible College within the Christian Church/Churches of Christ brotherhood in order to be better equipped to serve the Kingdom of God.
Scholarship Amounts Per Semester
- First-year students: $750
- Second-year students: $1000
- Third-year students: $1250
- Fourth-year students: $1500
*Applications are available in the scholarship box in the church work room or under ‘Forms & Registration.’ Submit completed forms to the PGCC Scholarship Team. (Distribution box is in the church’s administrative work room.)
For more information contact our Missions Team at 479-846-4181.
If you want to help support these missions through PGCC, you can give here.